
L&R Germany awarded AOK “Healthy Company” certificate in silver

L&R Germany was recently awarded the AOK “Healthy Company” certificate in silver. The award was presented to Holger Mägdefrau, CFO of L&R, and Alexander Spoden, Head of HR, by representatives of AOK Rheinland-Pfalz/Saarland on May 7, 2024. The certification underlines L&R's commitment to occupational health management and other initiatives that improve the physical and mental well-being of its employees.

The certification audit is carried out on the basis of a uniform Germans-wide quality standard, which is based on the current standards of occupational health management (OHM). To be awarded the certificate, companies have to impress in seven key areas of occupational health management, including the integration of occupational health management into company policy, its systematic implementation and the promotion of employees' health and health potential. The certificate is awarded in bronze, silver and gold category. The aim of the certification is to evaluate current company performance in terms of OHM and to initiate a continuous improvement process for OHM.

High value of the AOK silver certificate

The certificate was awarded to L&R on May 7 by two representatives of AOK Rheinland-Pfalz/Saarland (German health insurance organisation) - Ralf Pauken, Team Leader Health Consulting, and Panja Wernz, Health Manager - at the L&R site in Neuwied. Holger Mägdefrau, CFO of L&R and responsible for Human Resources, and Alexander Spoden, Head of HR Germany, accepted the award.

Although L&R had applied for “bronze”, it achieved “silver” at the first attempt. “We are very proud that we were able to achieve silver status at the first certification. This is an important milestone in view of the numerous measures we have taken in recent years to protect the health of our employees in Germany. And it also rightly strengthens our reputation as an attractive employer here in the region,” explained Holger Mägdefrau.

Ralf Pauken: “We would like to congratulate Lohmann & Rauscher on receiving the silver certificate! AOK Rheinland-Pfalz/Saarland has been supporting companies for over 40 years in creating a systematic OHM with sustainable structures and making work processes healthier. Since 2008, we have offered to have the OHM neutrally assessed and certified and would be delighted if as many companies as possible, such as L&R, took part. It is a great asset in employer advertising.”

Around 160 certifications have been carried out in the last 10 years, which means that most companies in Rhineland-Palatinate are not yet certified. And: only around 5 - 7% of all companies certified by the AOK have achieved silver or gold status. Being a (silver) certificate holder is therefore a great honor for L&R's OHM services.

Employee health as relevant future factor for companies

Holger Mägdefrau: “Our employees, their work and performance are the reason for our company's success and therefore the most important factor for our future - and their health and well-being form the necessary basis for this. In recent years, we have already carried out many sustainable activities through the OHM team and will continue and expand this in the coming years.

L&R does not only offer its employees numerous occupational health management measures, but also further initiatives and activities that have a positive impact on the physical and mental health of employees. These include join-in activities in the area of sport and relaxation, measures to improve occupational safety, a company doctor and associated services (including vaccinations), cooperation with the local provider "JobRad", crisis and conflict counseling, participation in "Stadtradeln" (city cycling), regular employee surveys, the offerings at the in-house training institution L&R Academy, flexible working models such as working from home, the lifetime working time account and vacation childcare for employees' children.